Take a Load Off: Deload Weeks
There are are 3 major aspects to achieving your fitness goals, and we talk about them a lot on this blog! 1. Nutrition 2. Training ...and...

PSL Donuts!
Just because Thanksgiving has come and gone doesn’t mean all those “pumpkin spice” goodies have to, too! The result of a can of pumpkin...

Battle of the Birthday Bars
I am a strong believer in not needing an occasion to buy/eat cake, and if I had it my way, I would eat a slice (...or two) of birthday...

Chicken and Veggie "Pasta" Dish
Monday, Monday, Monday...so we meet again. It’s the start of a new week, and that can mean a lot of things! For some of us, it may mean...

When FITness Meets SICKness
The leaves are orange, the air is crisp (...one day, then it’s hot the next and freezing after that?? C’mon weather…), and the noses are,...

Competition Reflection: Part V- Pro-Debut
Here we are, opening a blog with a cheesy quote yet again ;) but really, guys, I wouldn’t put these things here if they didn’t mean...