Egg White Frittata
While in Italy a few weeks ago, I was kicking every morning off with some form of bread (croissants, rolls, toast, pastry…) often covered...

The Fitness Cliff
Did you know cliff diving is one of the most dangerous extreme sports? That being said, I’m gonna need all you resolutioners to turn...

Holiday Survival Guide
Buckle up, everyone- the holidays are officially upon us! With Thanksgiving just a day away and Christmahaunakwanzaa less than one month...

Performance & Recovery: Part II- Acupuncture
When you think of acupuncture, what comes to mind? For me, that word was always associated with this mental image… Acupuncture has been...

Performance & Recovery: Part I- Chiropractic Care
Heading into living a healthy lifestyle takes baby steps. Typically, you start by focusing on basic training and nutrition. Once those...