"Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail"

Is this title a little cliché? Yes; however, the cliché holds true.
Today I was checking emails and adding new events, due dates, and meetings into my planner, and I thought about a picture I put up on Instagram from the first of the month:

And I giggled to myself a little bit as I stared at the now scribbled-up planner page in front of me for the month of February. My, how things change. Though briefly touched on on Instgram today for "Fit Tip Friday", I wanted to delve a little deeper on the importance of planning/making time.
As I'm sure many of us know, days can get hectic and schedules can fill up quickly. Before you know it, you may have a to-do list that's a page long and a brain that is ready to self-combust.
More times than not, workouts get the short-end of the "busy" stick, and get cut out of the day in an attempt to free up time. I get emails and excuses from clients and potential clients all the time telling me they "just don't have time" to workout. This is where I beg to differ.
My tough-love response to them is exactly what I'm going to tell anyone else reading this right now: make time.
It is as plain and simple as that. Make time by making a plan. Sit down and figure out how you're going to make your workout PART of your day, not just an added bonus to the day. Find a block of time to knock it out, and then look at your to-do list and figure out what you can do before and after the workout. Sometimes this means having to deal with non-ideal situations such as maybe waking up earlier to get a workout in, or taking a working lunch later in the day so you can do it during your lunch break...it can get tricky and it can get tough, but that's the name of the game when you have an unusually busy day and goals.
In regards to a strategy that works for me, I like to write my workouts and rest days directly into my planner each month. Then, as the days of the month start filling with more work/life things, I'm still reminded of what I already had planned that day and am conscious of making that, plus the new things work.
It requires time and it requires effort to plan, but if you take both of those, it'll wind up working out.

Ex: If you can kind of make it out for this week, I have my workouts scribbled at the bottom of each day
Now, this is not to say that you cannot adapt as necessary. Maybe I had an hour long lift and cardio planned for the day, but I tried and I tried and cannot find the time necessary for that. Do I say "screw it" and skip the workout all together? Heck no, and neither should you.
Find a way to make the most of your time. If you can only fit in 30 minutes of a workout, I suggest you plan a shorter workout, picking moves that you know are going to elevate your heart-rate and make you sweat. Shorten your rest times, superset your moves, and integrate plyometrics and HIIT cardio. Any workout is better than no workout, so as long as you get in there and get your blood pumping, you're in a better position than you were before you walked in!
Remember (very truthful cliché #2)...
A goal without a plan is just a wish.
Do not lose sight of your health and fitness goals-- plan ahead and make time to follow through with the steps necessary for achieving those goals. As I just said, make your workouts (and proper nutrition for that matter) part of your day, not just an added bonus when convenient.